My name is Donna Lewis. I currently live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I have two grown amazing daughters, two of the cutest pups on the planet and the sweetest husband anyone could wish for! I have also surrounded myself with the greatest friends - most I've known for decades. They help me stay sane and constantly live a life - with alot of laughs and good times.

Black and Blue ...Black because its nothingness is beauty and blue because it instantly makes me smile
My earliest memory was to become a vet ...until I got older and realized you would have to give animals needles and deal with wounds. I thought I could just be surrounded by cute fluffy animals. haha!

I got my hands on my Moms camera ( a 110 Kodak instamatic) and I was addicted to taking pictures ever since. I catologued my daughters childhood in many many many albums and then eventually wanted to persue concert photography - since music is my other great passion... after 100s of live shows and 1000s of images...I decided to finally try to take photography to a professional level. A friend of mine introduced me to fashion week here in Edmonton and was instantly in LOVE with fashion and beauty!
Photography is passion, creativity, a memory, a connection, wonderment and emotion

Canon Mark II, Canon 50mm 1.2 and Canon 85mm 1.2
Just this week I bought the most beautiful rolling camera bag by Think Tank...I'm still too in love to think of anything else!
I am very good at photographing women....but I love the males too! I don't seem to get the opportunity to shoot them!

Oh boy..I wish I have a secret!! I try to find something I really love in the image I'm about to take ...whether its the person, the makeup or hair, the clothes, the location. I think that shows in my portraits.
To me its never been outer beauty - which is ironic since I shoot really beautiful people but its someones inner beauty and basic goodness that is hugely beautiful to me. AND..anyone who can make me laugh is instantly a bonus!
This interview was originally published on